1. Data processing

To access and/or use the services of Ingenieromalaga.com, it is necessary for users to previously provide Ingenieromalaga.com with certain personal data. In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 on Personal Data Protection (LOPD), we want to inform you that the data collected will be incorporated into a file registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, for which usounicoprofesional.es is responsible. , with the purposes established in each of the collection forms established for use on this website and to be able to send you information about products and services of our entity and/or its partners, even by email or similar and to be able process the data related to the user's browsing and purchases, disassociating them from their personal data, and authorizes us to retain their data for the above purposes even once our relationship ends in the future. Likewise, it is reported that once the data is dissociated, the information related to the consumption and browsing habits of users may be used for statistical and/or commercial purposes by usounicoprofesional.es.

The purpose for which the registration form is intended is customer management and sales management,

The purpose for which the form in the CONTACT US section is intended is the subsequent contact of Ingenieromalaga.com with users who have made some type of query through them.

With respect to the BLOG section, the data obtained will be the name, email address of the user who registers/subscribes/uploads comments in said section for the following purposes: to have a list of registered users of the Blog section in order to maintain contact, as well as its management, and the production of statistics.

Ingenieromalaga.com guarantees that it has adopted the appropriate basic level security measures in its facilities, systems and files. Likewise, Ingenieromalaga.com guarantees the confidentiality of Personal Data and that these will not be transferred to third parties. However, Ingenieromalaga.com will disclose to the competent public authorities the Personal Data and any other information that is in its possession or is accessible through its systems and is required in accordance with the applicable legal and regulatory provisions.

In any case, the user undertakes to provide true information regarding their personal data and to keep the data provided to Ingenieromalaga.com updated. The user will be responsible, in any case, for the veracity of the data provided and for keeping it updated, reserving Ingenieromalaga.com  the right to exclude from the registered services any user who has provided false data, without prejudice to other actions that may be applicable by law.

Acceptance of the terms and conditions and privacy policy, linked to the use of any of the Ingenieromalaga.com services, implies your express authorization in favor of engineermalaga.com to send commercial information to your home, mobile phone and email address. This authorization includes the sending of commercial and advertising advertising related to the activities, products and services of engineermalaga.com. If you wish to revoke said authorization, you can do so easily and free of charge by directing your request to info@ingenieromalaga.com.

2. Exercise of data protection rights

You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by writing to Ingenieromalaga.com, C/ POETA AURORA DE ALBORNOZ, 4 LOCAL 9 – 29010 MÁLAGA, or by sending an email to info@ingenieromalaga.com

The user's request must meet the following legally established minimum content:

  •          Name and surname.
  •          Photocopy of the DNI, electronic signature or scanned copy of the DNI.
  •          Specific request.
  •          Address for notification purposes.
  •          Date and signature of the applicant

Due to the very nature of the service and contents of the Website, it is essential to be able to send commercial communications by email to registered users. Therefore, in the event that the cancellation of data provided for in the previous paragraph occurs, this will automatically lead to the cessation and abandonment of the condition of registered user of Ingenieromalaga.com

3. Minors

Our services are aimed at people of legal age, in the event that some of our services are specifically directed at minors, Ingenieromalaga.com will request the consent of parents or guardians for the collection of personal data or, where appropriate, for the automated processing of data in accordance with current legislation. If the registered user is a minor, they are required to have the prior consent of their parents or guardians before proceeding to include their personal data in the forms on the Website.

4. Free text fields

The free text fields that, available to the registered user, may appear on the Website, have the sole and exclusive purpose of collecting information to improve the quality of the Services, especially the delivery of the purchased products. The registered user will not include, in those spaces that the Website may offer as "free text fields", any personal data that can be classified within those data for which a medium or high level of protection is required. , without prior notice to Ingenieromalaga.com, as defined by current regulations (by way of example and not limitation, data related to ideology, religion, beliefs, union membership, health, racial origin and/or sexual life).