First occupation license

First occupation license: Key step

postada licencia 1º ocupacion

The first occupancy license is a key step in the obtaining the document administrative provided by the public administration in which it is justified that a property has been built in compliance with the legal requirements for its construction and that it is suitable for occupation.

One of the reports necessary to obtain the first occupation license as a key step is the one that indicates that it complies with the DB-HR of the ctechnical building code. The DB-HR is a document that specifies the basic noise requirements that must be met and exceeded.

Continuing with the requirements within the acoustic insulation of DB-HR in buildings for residential use, these are:

  1. Party walls between adjoining buildings.
  2. Activity area and facilities.
  3. Facades, roofs and floors of outdoor spaces.
  4. Adjoining housing estates.
  5. Partitioning.

Therefore, within the test, airborne noise insulation, impact noise and facade noise are measured.
In addition, noise immission is also measured indoors and outdoors, both during the day and at night.
However, the complexity will depend on the adjoining and adjacent enclosures and the area in which the measurement takes place.

Steps for measuring and testing acoustic insulation in the DB-HR:

Previous data: Collect data from the area, know the value of the noise index of the area where the building is located.

Zoning and requirements: Know the uses of the building, in this case, residence, and know the requirements that apply.

Choice of option: There are two acoustic insulation options, the simplified one that contains tables with the solutions to the acoustic insulation requirements and the general one that consists of a calculation method and predictive simulation.

Definition of construction elements and encounters: Separation elements of floor, partition and facade can be combined. But there are some combinations that are not suitable for acoustic insulation, so they can be penalized, and for this it is important to foresee the encounters of these elements with adequate absorption.

Once the acoustic tests have been completed and taking into account the requirements of the regulations, the final report can be drawn up and the acoustic certificate obtained to obtain the first occupation license.

Learn about our skills – Miguel Pulido Bendavid, Collegiate Engineer.

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