Responsible statement

What is the Responsible Declaration? Simplifying processes

Each project has a series of formalities and permissions that must be complied with to ensure its legality and viability. One of the most used and efficient procedures is the «Responsible Declaration«. Next we will explore what this process consists of and how it can simplify the execution of projects.

What is a Responsible Declaration?

The Responsible Statement is a administrative Procedure that allows citizens and companies to carry out certain activities or projects no prior license. It facilitates the start of "harmless" works or activities that do not represent a high risk to the environment, safety or heritage.

It speeds up bureaucratic procedures, but requires meeting requirements and assuming responsibility. Management can subsequently verify compliance without relinquishing its control functions. Promotes low-risk projects responsibly and in compliance with regulations.

Fields of Application

The Responsible Statement is used to expedite start-up various activities, such as minor works, low complexity engineering projects, opening of establishments commercial, among other actions contemplated in local regulations.

Declaración responsable

By presenting this declaration, the interested party assumes under his responsibility that he complies with the legal requirements to carry out the activity in question.

Some examples of activities that can be managed through a Responsible Declaration are:

  • retail stores (textile, vehicles, machinery, furniture, footwear, plants, etc.)
  • Promotion of land or buildings
  • Salons and beauty institutes and aesthetic cabinets
  • photography services

We accompany you throughout the process

In PBM Engineering, we are committed to providing quality solutions, taking advantage of the Responsible Declaration to make your projects a reality in an agile and successful way. Trust us to carry out your challenges. contact today and get a quote free.

Learn about our skills http://www.malaga – Miguel Pulido Bendavid – Registered Engineer.

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