energy certificate

Energy certificate: Is it necessary?

What is the energy certificate?

The energy certificate is an official document that assesses the energy efficiency of a property. Likewise, it contains data related to the energy behavior of a building, which allow knowing the degree of energy efficiency and energy rating. This information is useful for making decisions when it comes to buy, sell or rent a property.

The house will be classified according to its level of energy efficiency, ranging from A, which refers to a very efficient house, to G, which indicates a house with negative efficiency.

Energy efficiency grades

Steps to follow to obtain the energy certificate

To obtain the energy certificate for a home, you must contact an expert technician. The certificate must be issued by a professional authorized by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Royal Decree 235/2013.

First, the technician will carry out an evaluation of the home to determine the level of energy efficiency and issue the corresponding certificate. The cost will depend on the size of the home and the services included in the process.

  • Request an energy certificate. You can do this through an energy professional, such as a architect, a engineer or a certified technician, or through an energy certification company.
  • The energy professional will perform a inspection comprehensive property. This includes checking the structure, electrical installation and other factors that affect energy consumption.
  • Once the inspection is done, the professional will evaluate the results and prepare a report. East report It will serve as the basis for the energy certificate.
  • Finally, the professional will issue the certificate. This must be valid for 10 years if the grade is between A and F or for 5 years in the case of a type G grade.

This information is used to help owners and renters understand the energy cost consumed by a building and to help governments establish energy efficiency policies.

Is it mandatory to get it?

No, the energy certificate is not mandatory; however, some autonomous communities demand for the sale and rent of real estate That's it required for the realization of most plays reform and construction.

If you need advice to obtain your energy certificate, do not hesitate to contact Contact with PBM Engineering.

Learn about our skills – Miguel Pulido Bendavid – Registered Engineer.

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