energy certificate

Energy certificate in commercial premises

Energy efficiency and legal obligations

Some time ago we explained What is the energy certificate for a property or home? but on this occasion we want to talk about obtaining the energy certificate in commercial premises. This document is essential for evaluate energy efficiency in spaces intended for commercial activities. Its function is to offer a vision of the energy consumption of the premises.

Is the energy certificate mandatory in commercial premises?

Yes, energy certificates in commercial premises are mandatory both for sales and rentals. This tool provides valuable insight into the energy efficiency of the space, ensuring transparency in the transaction process.

Unlike real estate and homes, the lightning in commercial premises is a determining factor for obtaining the certificate due to opening hours, however, the installation of Hot water It is not essential in some locations.

The energy certification regulations establish that raw premises (without installations or finishes) do not require a prior certificate. This document must be obtained once the conditioning works of the premises have been completed and will be required in the procedure for obtaining the permit. opening license.

Certificado energético en locales
Energy Rating

Request an energy certificate in Malaga

To obtain an energy certificate for a commercial premises in Malaga, first of all, the owner must contact a qualified certification technician, who may be an architect, technical architect or engineer. This professional will carry out a visit, collecting data on energy aspects such as the thermal envelope, heating installations, hot water and lighting.

With the information collected, the technician will prepare the report and calculate the energy rating, represented by letters from "A" to "G", indicating the efficiency of the premises. This result is reflected in an energy label.

After obtaining the certificate, you register with the Junta de Andalucía through the Registry of Andalusian Energy Certificates telematically. The certificate has a 10 year validity, being necessary to renew it to keep the energy rating of the commercial premises updated.

The lack of certification or its non-presentation in the registry may lead to sanctions for the owner. Complying with this procedure is essential to respect current regulations and promote energy efficiency in the real estate sector.

Request a quote

If you need to obtain a energy certificate for a commercial premises in MalagaFirst of all, call us so that we can inform you of the process and explain to you in particular the procedures with which we can help you. Do not doubt consult us to know more.

Learn about our skills Engineer Malaga – Miguel Pulido Bendavid – Registered Engineer.

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