environmental rating

The environmental qualification in a business

calificación ambiental negocio

In a world that is increasingly aware of the importance of protecting the environment, companies must ensure that their activities comply with certain environmental standards and regulations. In this blog, we'll explore what an environmental rating is, when it's needed, and the steps to apply for it.

What is the environmental qualification?

Environmental qualification is a process by which the environmental impact of a business activity or project is evaluated. It consists of determining if the proposed actions comply with the environmental norms and regulations established by the competent authorities.

The main objective is ensure businesses operate sustainably and minimize their impact on the natural environment.

calificación ambiental

When is environmental qualification needed?

According to Law 7/2007, of July 9, on Integrated Management of Environmental Quality, this is required as part of the process of obtaining the necessary license to carry out the implementation, extension, modification or transfer of a specific activity.

It is important to note that a municipal license cannot be granted for actions that are subject to environmental qualification until this process has been completed.

If you are planning to start a new project business or carry out a significant expansion in your facilities, you are interested in continuing reading. It is essential to comply with all the provisions established in the environmental qualification resolution to guarantee compliance with environmental regulations.

Application Steps

It is important to note that having the assistance of a expert technician in the environmental qualification application process can be beneficial, as they can provide guidance and ensure that all necessary aspects are correctly included in the documentation.

  1. Gather information on environmental requirements and regulations.
  2. Assess the environmental impact of your business.
  3. request the procedure review to an expert technician.
  4. Prepare the required documentation with the help of the technician.
  5. Submit the application to the competent authority.
  6. Comply with requests for additional information if necessary.
  7. Get certified if you meet the established requirements.

Contact us to request your environmental rating

If you are interested in carrying out this procedure for your business, from PBM Engineering we are delighted to be able to help you. contact us today and we will provide you with the necessary support to apply and obtain the qualification successfully.

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