Type of activity

Harmless or qualified activity What is the difference?

If you are considering opening a business, before you get started you should clearly differentiate between the type of harmless or qualified activity. These distinctions not only define the nature of your company, but also the steps to obtain the opening and activity licenses necessary. We are going to explain these concepts to understand them better.

Harmless activities

Harmless activities are those that they do not present risks significant to public health, the environment or safety. They are businesses that can operate relatively easily, without requiring special permits or rigorous regulations.

Some common examples of harmless activities are:

  • Hairdressers
  • Travel agency
  • Florists
  • Law firms
  • Clothes shops
  • Drugstores

To carry out a safe activity, you will generally only need to register as a business with local authorities and ensure that you comply with basic health and safety regulations. In many cases, you can choose to file a Responsible Declaration instead of applying for a full opening license.

Qualified activities

On the other hand, qualified activities are those that may have significant impacts on health, environment or public safety. These activities are subject to stricter regulations and often require special permits and extensive evaluations.

Some examples of qualified activities include:

  • Gyms
  • Analysis laboratories
  • Restaurants
  • Nightclubs
  • machinery factory
  • food factory
  • Dental clinics
actividad inocua o calificada
Qualified activity

To carry out a qualified activity, you must meet a number of specific requirements that may vary by industry and location. This may include obtaining special permits, conducting environmental impact assessments, and complying with more rigorous safety regulations. In these cases, you may need to request a opening license complete before starting to operate.

What requirements must be met in a harmless or qualified activity?

Once you have identified whether your business is classified as a safe or qualified activity, it is important to meet the specific requirements.

In the harmless activities you must:

  • Perform the business registration before local authorities, such as the town hall or other relevant institutions according to local legislation.
  • Comply with the safety and hygiene regulations, which involves fire prevention, proper handling of chemical products and regular cleaning of the premises.
  • Issue a Responsible Declaration. It is recommended to hire a expert technician to ensure that all legal requirements are met and prevent possible failures in the process.

If your business is classified as qualified activity You must meet stricter requirements such as:

  • Obtaining special permits, such as health, environmental or safety permits. It will be necessary to elaborate construction projects either opening projects.
  • Carry out environmental impact assessments to determine the possible effects of your activity on the natural environment. You may also require a acoustic certificate environmental.
  • Compliance with more rigorous safety regulations, including the development of a fire plan.

Call us to start your project

In PBM Engineering We work throughout the province of Malaga, we accompany you in the complete process to meet each requirement in your project, if you need the advice and work of an expert, do not hesitate to contact us. call us to make your query.

Explore our skills at Ingeniero Málaga - Miguel Pulido Bendavid - Licensed Engineer.

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